Turkish technological sector has been experiencing a major boom over the first half of the 2013. The number of Venture Funds, angel investors and number of investments are growing dramatically. The total amount of Venture Capital investment in Turkey was around $142M* in 2011. It decreased to $100M level in 2012 and has already passed last year’s performance in the first half of 2013. (Please note that these figures are calculated based on announced investments and details)
In the first half of 2013, 36 companies raised almost $100M. Six companies were acquired (SadeceHosting, Idefix, Cicek.com, PreviewMyEmail, NasilTv, BeyazKutu) and exits totaled almost $50M. Investments in The First Half of 2013
*Source: Bilgi Toplumu Raporları, 2013
Source: Company Websites, Investor Press Releases and Webrazzi