Sercan Zulfikar

Sercan Zulfikar


Sercan started his career as a team member of “3Z”, a biomedical engineering company that was established by the İTÜ Big Bang Start-Up Project and later evolved into “Respo Gadgets.” He conducted marketing research at “3Z” by analyzing the states’ health policies. In 2017, his focus shifted to finance and auditing, starting his position in Ernst & Young’s Global Compliance and Reporting department. He had the invaluable opportunity to observe a wide range of sectors – from textile to mining, medical to automotive, as well as all of their operational backgrounds, financials, and accountings. As a graduate of Marmara University and the University of Warsaw, he obtained a BA in Political Science and International Relations. He also received a MA in Social Policy from Boğaziçi University. At 212, Sercan is responsible for fund management, financial reporting, due diligence & investment process, accounting, and auditing.
Venture Fellowship Program Form
212 Internship Program Form