Bu adamlar deli mi?

Türk şirketlerinin 2023’e kadar 64 milyar doları yurtdışındaki alım ve yatırımlara yöneltmesi bekleniyormuş[1]. Sevindirici bir gelişme; dünya sadece bulunduğunuz ülkeden ibaret değil, fırsatları kollamak, farklı ülke ve sektörlere açılmak bu rekabet ortamında her işletmenin olmazsa olmazı. Benim anlamadığım, Türk şirketlerinin burnunun dibinde olan diğer fırsatları görmüyor olması. Bu ülkeden dünya çapında başarı hikayesi olma yolunda […]

Notes from Singularity University

I attended Singularity University Global Summit this year. It was good to see what the greatest minds in the world are working on. From AI to Blockchain, Energy to Medicine and Manufacturing to Quantum computing. Few areas caught my eyes It was fascinating to listen to Ramez Naam again. He mentioned how renewable energy prices are lower […]

Beyond the pitch deck

It almost goes without saying, if you are a would-be startup, a successful pitch to a venture capital firm requires a well-planned, compelling pitch deck. However, in order to secure investment and successfully get your enterprise off the ground, you’re going to need more than just the initial pitch deck, however impressive it may be. […]

Decisions, decisions…

(Turkish version can be found below) Like everyone else, my life is filled with decisions to be made. Some decisions can be simple as to what eat for lunch. Others can be quite complicated, such as moving to an other country (I’ve done it three times), changing jobs (five times), starting a new business (four […]

What’s next? Remote work and its effects on people/innovation?

We have been discussing the pros and cons of different work configurations, full office remote working, part remote part in office, and everyone returns to the office as before. (Noting the fact that we have all experienced a new dynamic and after a unique experience no one is the same as before. It’s something that […]

3 Ways to Reset Yourself Professionally After Lockdown

If I can be candid with you, since my last check-in, things started to decline for me as time progressed in quarantine. New habits started to form, work started to take over, and the lines between personal and professional life started to blur. I’ve always been a dedicated worker, but lockdown brought out a side of […]

Proud to be the part of this adventure as 212

It’s a big week for the Turkish startup scene. Insider, the world’s first integrated growth management platform, closed a $32 million Series C funding round from a number of global investors — Riverwood Capital, Sequoia Capital, Endeavor Catalyst, and Wamda Capital. That may be the headline. But for us at 212, it is another highlight […]

Four Archetypes of Successful Startup Founders

Ever since a study was published in 2012 claiming that 75% of all venture-backed startups fail, there has a been a flood of online articles and various opinions and thoughts on why startups fail. But I have always been more interested in understanding why startups do succeed— despite the fact that the odds are against them. Understanding […]

Hiperbolik Serzenişler

Kısaca, uzak bir tarihte elde edebileceğimiz büyük bir ödül yerine bugün daha küçük bir ödülle yetinmeye meyilliyiz. Üstüne üstlük, ilerideki ödüllerin getirisini kafamızda bugüne indirgeme oranlarımız var (discount factors). Daha da eğlenceli olsun diye de, bu oranlar sabit değil, garip bir şekilde hiperbolik olarak değişebiliyor. Örnek olarak; a) Bugün 1 elma mı, b) Yarın 2 […]

Chooch AI is Growing

Chooch AI platform enables businesses to develop scalable computer vision solutions. Being a platform provider, Chooch Al can rapidly ingest and process visual data from any spectrum, generating AI models in hours that can detect objects, actions, processes, coordinates, states, and more. Thanks to their advanced solutions, AI model deployments can be in the cloud […]

Venture Fellowship Program Form
212 Internship Program Form